"The Ghost" look-book was created as a marketing tool for the purpose of giving potential production companies an idea of the overall look and feel of the script as seen by Adam Lucas.
The photos used within the look-book are pulled from other established movies and do not belong to Adam Lucas, myself or "The Ghost". The photos used appear only to give reference to the types of characters, actors, and mood the script writer envisions and are not in anyway affiliated with "The Ghost."
All non photographic artwork below was created specifically for use by Adam Lucas.
Copyright ©2020

Below are the concept sketches for the 3 spirits who appear throughout the story. The were designed with the intention of appearing on the actual script written by Adam Lucas.

Title Logo/Word-mark for "The Ghost"
Art Direction/Type/Illustration: Joe Martin
Copy/Photo-Curation/Creative Direction: Adam Lucas
For The Screenplay: "The Ghost" by Adam Lucas